FLEXCoop is a Smart Grid project using Big Data analytics in a complex environment. A clear evaluation methodology is a key for success.
The “FLEXCoop Evaluation Framework and Respective Validation Scenarios” intends to carefully assess the services of FLEXCoop and their performances. This work describes the evaluation methodology by defining specific validation pilot, associating them to suitable key performance indicators (KPIs) which can address specifications of each of our 2 pilot cases (in Spain and In Netherlands). It finally identifies a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) framework to assess the results.
Different approaches for cooperative aggregators in Spain and in the Netherlands
The validation activities, through KPIs and CBA, are based on the context and needs of the two pilot cooperatives where FLEXCoop is being implemented in the Netherlands and in Spain. These two use cases have different objectives depending on the possibilities offered by existing electricity market regulation in these two countries.
The ancillary service market in the Netherlands allows flexibility provision from both generation and demand side. Therefore, Dutch pilot aims at providing balancing reserves in the aFRR market using aggregated demand-side units. Heat pumps in particular would play a key role.
In contrast, the Spanish market does not grant permission for demand side to provide ancillary services. However, roof-top PV panels are expanding and the Spanish cooperative aims at not only maximizing self-consumption of roof-top PV generation but also improving the bidding process on day-ahead market.
Assessing flexibility: the FLEXCoop evaluation methodology
FLEXCoop business cases are based on the aggregation of domestic devices in order them to collectively provide services to the grid. It relies on mathematical approaches to model DERs, aggregate them, and assess their flexibility potential. Practically, the aggregation of small DERs enables the inclusion of their bids in the electricity market. These offers address physical and dynamic characteristics of underlying DER technology enabling a pool of devices to “behave” as a single load for the entity requesting the service.

Image: Evaluation approach for FLEXCoop project.
The evaluation methodology (highlighted in green in the figure 1) is an integral part of the long-term process performed for the two business cases considered at this stage within the FLEXCoop project. While the DR framework and tool suite is being developed and the two business cases are being defined, the most suitable KPIs and CBA methodology have been selected.
Then, once implemented and based on the results of observations, the selected KPIs can support specific evaluation. In parallel once the value chain has been described, a business-level CBA can be performed.
If you are interested to learn more, Deliverable 7.2 “FLEXCoop Evaluation Framework and Respective Validation Scenarios” is available on FLEXCoop website.